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Hi! My name is

Michiel De Wandelaer

Digital designer & Frontend developer

This is me

A friendly person who likes to see the world, take pictures of it and loves his computer. Weird combination, but it works. But what do I do on my computer? In my freetime I play like to play games with my friends and the rest of the time I'm a UI/UX Designer and frontend developer. I have a bachelor degree in Multimedia & Creative technologies achieved at Eramus Hogeschool Brussel (EHB). In this bachelor I learned a good mix of webdesign and webdevelopment. Graphic design, app design, webdesign, logos, motion design and branding are also subjects that I'm really passionate about and love doing in practice. In those years of study, I also developed a good basis in frontend development with languages and frameworks like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular and more. Keep scrolling and get to know me!


I have a creative mind and like to use that on designing stuff.
Things like app design, UX/UI Design, branding and motion design is someting that I'm really passionate about and love doing in practice. I always want to keep learning in those subjects because I want to give people designs that they will love.
The programs that I use are listed down below.


The other side of me is a frontend developer. To see my designs work on a real website or app is the main reason why I enjoy programming. I will always do the best I can to accomplish a good working website, but I still have a lot to learn. Then again you never stop learning as a frontend developer. I have a good basis of a lot of languages and frameworks like HTML, CSS, JS, Angular and more.

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